Poezeaua asta in engleza am compus-o amu ceva ani pentru cineva care nici macar nu ma parasise, asa cum credeam io! Dar la momentul scrierii ei io nu stiam acest lucru.

Am regasit-o weekendul asta printr-un vraf de cursuri de stilistica, semantica, lexicologie, istorie a limbii engleze, fonetica, lingvistica, etc (adica xeroxuri, ca nu prea m-am omorat cu scoalele prin facultate); si daca pe mine m-o plictisit de moarte, am zis ca e pacat sa nu va plictiseasca si pe voi. Finca io impart si relele, dar mai ales nasoalele!

She left me for another man

To understand – who the hell can?
She left me for another man.
She didn’ t care for me; but she
Knew how to feed my phantasy;
She left me for another man.

She left me for another man
She messed my life completely; then,
Without a farewell, adieu or bye
Left me alone to weep and cry –
She left me for another man.

She left me for another man
My troubles afterwards began
When I discovered how I missed
The way she cried, the way she kissed –
She left me for another man.

She left me for another man;
The lioness has left the den.
So now all that remains to do
Is to pick up a girl, or two
And leave her – to the other man.

I will survive 😀


Written by Groparu Nemernic

Nascut din spermatozoizi campioni... cred.

This article has 49 comments

  1. nonick Reply

    You picked a girl, or you picked two
    And with them what did you do?
    Your toilet only waits for you!

  2. of Reply

    plm Gropare, citind aceste cuvinte imi vine sa te pleznesc, sa ma transform in fata si sa o pleznesc si pe ea

  3. miki Reply

    Cat de frumos…nu imi vine sa cred! Gropare esti un geniu,tata! 😀
    Iar mi-au dat lacrimile si eu care intrasem pe net sa raddd! :d

  4. mo Reply

    All that remains to do? 🙂

    I like your poem, sure I do
    But silly errors spoil it, too
    Or is it that you left that there
    As to hint at the scotch and beer
    You reeked of when it all began
    As she left you for another man?

  5. Groparu Reply

    I seldom reeked of beer or scotch
    Or said my poems were top-notch;
    As for mistakes, you’ll all agree
    That, as any woman to my eyes is dear,
    All, all bad poetry is sincere!

  6. mo Reply

    As for the harsh, but truthful news
    That you were dumped and had the blues
    I say to hell with that, be merry,
    Life as you know it is not scary
    ‘Cause had you married her back then
    she’d have still f**d some other man…

    (ok, o sa beau cafea si imi trece elanul poetic)

  7. hadean Reply

    ioi, io numa stau şi vă aplaudez că tare bună dimineaţă îm făceţ voi doi cu duelu’ ăsta rimat. numa frumoasa veneţiană nu-i nicări da’ cre că dacă intră pă net nu mai iesă veci.

  8. Mile Reply

    She wouldn’t believe
    She’s pencil has
    A magical eraser.
    She said you was a silly moo,
    She said you was a liar too,
    She dared you prove that it was true,
    And so what could she do
    She erased you too

  9. mishu Reply

    I can’t speak in versuareishan
    But I have an ipotizeishan
    And I suppose that beer or scotch
    Would do the trick sa fim bunoci
    But after you fuck her insane
    She’ll leave you for another man.

    Ia, numa-sha sa vaza cum ii deferentza.

    Am zâs!

  10. Turambar Reply

    She left you for another man.
    Be merry, crazy Romanian.

    Unless she left you, you’d be married.
    You’d thus be sad and old and sorry
    And several years from now
    She’d be a widow, while you buried.


  11. mo Reply

    So to resume what all here said
    If you had married, you’d be dead…

    Yet here you are, you have your site
    On which you spill your ache and spite
    And funny stories which, alas,
    Keep us, your loyal middle class,
    Away from work and daily chores
    For doing so, aren’t we all whores?

  12. Turambar Reply

    We might be whores, but we don’t deal
    In sexual affairs with him
    This sorry digger with his blog
    That turns our working lifes agog.

    Therefore, I say: let’s praise the Lord.
    The sad bugger is married,
    While us are not.


  13. hadean Reply

    Well, my friend
    I understand
    You where a slave
    She- in command
    Now you are free
    Clearly I see
    So let the man she left you for
    Enjoy he’s pain
    Crawl on the floor

  14. Groparu Reply

    The thing is, as I said before,
    She did not leave me anymore
    For any other man
    Back then;

    But then, of course, ’twas pretty soon
    That she discovered I was loon’
    And said “By Jove, I have to dump this guy!”
    Which she sure did, with half a sigh 😀

    And knowing me intimately
    I say with her I must agree
    For all them who broke up with me
    Are happy now as they can be!

    And this, of course, they owe to me;
    The glimpse of me that they could see
    So frightful must have seemed back then
    That, as my fingers on my hands are ten,

    They must have cried, their mouths apocalyptically bigger:
    “We will take ANYONE who’s NOT Gravedigger!!!!”

  15. the lioness that has left the den Reply

    Ladies and Gents, I have to say
    Just a few words, in my response to this poetic array.

    While all your theories are cool,
    I don’t think leaving him was cruel.

    All I can say, at any rate, is that
    We brought some cheer to our days,
    as well as a sparkle to dark Danish nights.

    And what was done cannot be changed
    For good or bad, who cares today?
    The main thing is that Mr. Digger
    Has all you guys to read his scribbles.
    He does it well and you enjoy it,
    And even I get to get a grip of it 😉

  16. hadean Reply

    hai mă baghy că-i fain, ne sâmţâm bine şâ noi un minez jucându-ne de-a poieţââ străini. îi bai, no?

  17. biggie_mac Reply

    Calm down my friend, here, take a sit
    Chill down and think “who gives a shit?”
    You’ll soon think as the days goes by
    “If she don’t care, then why should I?”
    You think a lot, you remember and cry
    But as time slips off, in just a short while
    You’ll think about it again and just smile
    You feel her breath, her parfume, her hair
    wherever you go, you feel she’s everywhere
    But don’t think at her, think at the rest
    Because my friend, all guys can attest
    There are a lot of women, this you can test
    Out of which the young ones are the best
    So what if she’s with this other guy,
    With long hair,muscles big and wide
    She’ll soon regret the moment of joy and fun
    While u’ll drink a beer and enjoy the sun….
    So join with me and praise this day.
    Please listen to what I have to say
    Don’t think about her, relax, don’t worry my friend
    More relations will come, more relations will end
    Live them while thinking “come what may”…
    I’ve said what I’ve said, and I’ve nothing more to say

  18. Laura Reply

    mai groparule, eu ma minunez de ce esti tu in stare sa-i faci pe altii sa faca 🙂

  19. WhiteWolf Reply

    Bre, nu mai reusesc sa diferentiez intre bucata de om si bucata de creier :))
    Pe unde sunt, pe unde esti ca m-ai confuzat la modul “apsolut” !?!

  20. WhiteWolf Reply

    Nu-i musai sa te vezi daca nu te deranjeaza sa te strige pretenii “monumentalo !”
    Da’ macar suna sirena de alarma inainte sa te ascunzi 🙂

  21. Na_Laetha Reply

    I’ve read all this and smile like she’s
    Already up-to-date at all of this!
    I stay a while and think if you
    Know what you have to do?
    Combine all the previous posts
    And you will discover that Shakespeare ideeas,
    Romeo, Juliet, Hamlet or Lear King
    Are like a piece of shit
    Comparing with this simple riff:
    “She left me for another man”
    Will became damn well known.

    And you will have great success
    If you put this in a book sheets.

    Scuzati iengleza, dar mai mult nu ma duce cerebelul. Foarte fain Gropare.

  22. corelativ Reply

    bă, să mor io! fac mi ded end col mi gorgiăs! parc-ar fi ceva film din ăla în care beu ăia laudanum, absint, şi din alea, şi ascultă muzica sferelor! no, enihau, rulaţi, n-am ce zice!

  23. eu Reply

    Don’t cry my friend there’s always hope
    The bath is there, don’t need to stop
    Your burning feelings, and the floor
    Will never leave you, even for
    Some handsom virile other man.
    You know, grave digger, that you can
    Keep it as nasty as you want
    And that you’ll always find a hand
    To chill you down, and more than that
    She understands some simple facts:
    Your pain, your gloom, your moron acts,
    Your stupid jokes, you urge to swig
    much too much bear, and still not dig
    On you upon your loser life,
    As if it is your future Wife.
    Unfortunately, may I say,
    You’ll find another girl some day,
    And you’ll forget your faithful hand,
    Your striving floor which was so bland
    When you’ve been searching for relief
    Totally lost, when all began
    Because she left for other man.

  24. Razvan Reply

    Mi-o zis Badea (Mircea. Mircea Badea) sa ma car de pe blogul lui ca nu i-o placut ce i-am scris eu acolo. L-am ascultat. Da’ furios fiind, am intrat pe trafic.ro sa caut eu alte bloguri…Si am dat de asta, nici prea in fata nici prea in spate. De fapt, cam in spate, da’ nu-i bai.
    Si mi-o placut.
    Asa c-o sa mai vin.
    Dar las s-un comentariu la obiect: poezia e stupida, noroc de final ca mai salveaza ceva.
    Si o mica rugaminte: inaintea comentariului meu, pune chestia aia “a incercat sa impresioneze”.
    Chiar am incercat.

  25. Undercovor Reply

    una cu intarziere si de la mine :))

    if you have dick, then you’re a man
    if you have balls, you’ll keep her, damn!
    but if you cry and wine like hell,
    she’ll leave you for another man

  26. deci,totodată... Reply

    ah , fir-aş al dracu , trebuia să-nvăţ germana , ete-aşa-nţălegeam şi io !…

  27. S Reply

    Din cate bucati poetice sunt pe aici iese mai jumatate de volum de poezii… Inca un post asemanator si musai o vizita la o editura… hihihi…

  28. Pintea Reply

    Bă Gropare, amu îţi descopăr arhiva şi mă cac pe mine de cât de deştept eşti (or numa’ pare că).
    Impecabil poemul tău, şi mă gândesc cum ar suna pe o muzică ca cum ar fi de blues…Bănică junior ar muri de invidie!
    Eşti tare ca pălinca de Zalău, şi comunitatea ta de fani la fel!

  29. badkitty Reply

    She left you for another man?!?
    Oh than you should take your revenge
    And cheat her too with other man!:-P

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