violetgre013: hey..u there?
Groparu: me,… here?
Groparu: ooh hey
Groparu: ‘ssuup
violetgre013: well I just saw your name on the yjhoo directory and your profile seemed interesting lol
Groparu: lol
Groparu: so we don’t know each other
violetgre013: what are you up to? lol
Groparu: just about to go to bed
Groparu: it’s early Monday morning
violetgre013: niice well I work from home just starting doing these cam shows  It’s pretty fun actually lol
violetgre013: I am a little busy right now cant really talk here, but if you want I would LOVE if you came to watch my show, give me some company, and maybe a GOOD rating ???
Groparu: sorry, not interested
Groparu: 🙂
violetgre013: suit yourself…  ur prob a virgin anyways…  peace!
Groparu: indeed
Groparu: good luck, best wishes
violetgre013: This way you can see what I look like and we can chat while I work, I promise you wont be dissapointed..I must warn you though, I am not wearing much..
violetgre013: well I think i have my free friend’s pass lyin here one sec babe.. I mean would you want it??

ICNOR. Scurt.

Written by Groparu Nemernic

Nascut din spermatozoizi campioni... cred.

This article has 26 comments

  1. Night Elf Reply

    Hai ma….. cred ca ai pierdut un show pe cinste:))) trebuia sa ii faci pe plac si sa ne dai si noua niste screen shoturi avem de ce ne rade !!

  2. Roxa Reply

    Night Elf, da` mai stii ca te radeai ? Poate nu era rasu` tau. Poate de-aia n-o vrut Groparu, sa nu fie complexat pe viata ! :))

  3. ion Reply

    e bot. m-a ‘apelat’ si pe mine pe 2 id’uri, cu exact aceleasi texte:P e ‘destept’ totusi ca raspunde in functie de raspunsurile tale. daca zici ‘no’, ‘not interested’, ‘no thanks’.. te face virgin. mda:)

  4. ardeleanu' Reply

    Altă poveste:

    (2009-09-24 06:50:01) dollyfxb883: hey..u there?
    (09:40:08) Daniel: do I know you?
    (09:40:21) Dollyfxb883: ooh hey
    (09:40:30) Daniel: hey
    (09:40:42) Dollyfxb883: well I just saw your name on the yphoo directory and your profile seemed interesting lol
    (09:41:02) Daniel: I might not be interesting for you
    (09:41:04) Daniel: I’m gay
    (09:41:16) Dollyfxb883: what are you up to? lol
    (09:41:33) Daniel: huh_
    (09:41:34) Daniel: ?
    (09:41:44) Dollyfxb883: niice well I work from home just starting doing these cam shows 🙂 It’s pretty fun actually lol
    (09:41:57) Daniel: oooke
    (09:42:04) Daniel: I’m gay I’ve told you
    (09:42:08) Dollyfxb883: I am a little busy right now cant really talk here, but if you want I would LOVE if you came to watch my show, give me some company, and maybe a GOOD rating ???
    (09:42:18) Dollyfxb883: This way you can see what I look like and we can chat while I work, I promise you wont be dissapointed..I must warn you though, I am not wearing much.. 😉
    (09:42:42) Daniel: fuck off
    (09:42:56) Dollyfxb883: seriously? that’s your response? wow

    Adevărul e că la mine a trecut un pic până să mă prind că e bot. Şi faza cu “gay” nu e adevărată(că s-ar putea găsii unii…:)) )

  5. Zbastian Reply

    Sa fiu sincer, Daniel asta, poate fi perceput si ca Daniela. Are o freza …

  6. Simona Senzual Reply

    Si mie mi s-a intamplat sa intre gay pe mine (pe mess :P)din alte tari. Sa-mi faca invitatii sa le arat poze cu mine in toata goliciunea mea :))

  7. eu Reply

    mah voi sunteti boti, ala nu e iti raspunde in functie de ce zici tu…ci foloseste aceleas texte, am primit si eu de 2 ori. ceea ce zice formuleaza in asa fel incat tu sa raspunzi ceva in asa fel incat ceea ce urmeaza el sa zica, sa se potriveasca….

  8. Dan Reply

    IGNORE: e singura comanda pentru boti… pacat ca Yahoo nu a implementat ceva care sa-i verifice ca sunt cam enervanti…

  9. Stef Reply

    Am patit si eu faza numai ca am continuat sa vorbesc ca sa vad ce tampenii mai zice :)) … era destul de evident ca era bot 😛 pentru cei interesati e pe blogul meu

  10. Laura Driha Reply

    The girl had a “lol-writing problem”. Mi-e mila de ea…
    Anyway, eu m-as fi chinuit mai mult sa te las sa ma cuceresti nitel inainte sa mi te ofer!:))
    Apropos, cand imi dai add? :))

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